Vehicular Mounted ISM Band High Power Jammer And RCIED Neutralizer For Electronic Warfare

This is Counter Remote Controlled Improvised Explosive Device (RCIED) Electronic Warfare equipment, which is used for a vehicle-mounted, lightweight system that neutralizes RCIED threats and gives security forces a tactical advantage across the full spectrum of operations. The latest version of system uses an advanced software-defined architecture that supports rapid reconfiguration to adapt to the constantly evolving threat environment.

The vehicle mount RCIED neutralizer system has been designed keeping in mind highest level of performance without being a very expensive part of supply, hence is also one of the most cost-effective counter IED systems in the market. The system provides life saving protection against the full range of remote controlled improvised explosive device threats. Using state-of-the-art jamming technology, this vehicle-mounted, lightweight system neutralizes RCIED threats. It was designed to minimize size, weight and power while optimizing performance. Simple to operate and mounts into a wide variety of military vehicles.


• Superior protection performance
• Low power consumption
• Simple to operate
• Compact size and lightweight
• Proven operational availability
• High temperature operation

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